Comprehensive Trademark Search

Get peace of mind with a complete trademark search

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U.S. Federal & State


  • Federal:
    Search of pending and registered U.S. Federal trademarks.
  • 50 States:
    Search of pending and registered trademarks from all 50 States.
  • E-mail Delivery
    We'll email you the trademark search report in a PDF file so you can easily read, save or share it with others.
Most Popular

U.S. Comprehensive


  • Includes everything from Federal and State search plus:
  • Common Law:
    Search of pending and registered trademarks from common law sources, including magazines, newspapers, business directories and more.
  • Corporate Names:
    Search of business names (including corporations, LLCs, DBAs and others) from all 50 states.

Worldwide and U.S.


  • Includes everything from U.S. Comprehensive search plus:
  • International:
    Search of pending and registered International trademarks including: Canada, European Community, United Kingdom, Germany, and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Compare Search Packages

Discover potential conflicts with powerful trademark search
Our 3-step process makes it easy to order a trademark search online.

Answer a few questions

Complete our simple questionnaire to begin the process. The online process is simple and takes about 5 minutes to complete.

We search your trademark

We conduct your full trademark search. Analyze your trademark for similar sounding words, plurals, misspellings, wildcards, translation, and other variables.

Receive the report by e-mail

Quickly receive the digital trademark search report by e-mail. You can easily read, save or share the PDF files with colleagues.

In-Depth Trademark Search

Get a comprehensive search and avoid potential conflicts with your trademark.

Start My Search

Benefits of a Trademark Search has been the trusted source for thousands of customers with their trademark needs online! We are a leading provider of online document filing services for clients who wish to register a trademark, perform a trademark search, or maintain their trademark registration with the USPTO. For more than 22 years, we made it easy and affordable for anyone to search a trademark and protect their brand. Get a trademark search today!

Cases completed

One customer at a time. Individualized attention.

Over 100k happy customers

There are several advantages to doing a trademark search prior to using a trademark in commerce, including:

Identify similar trademarks that could conflict with your proposed mark;
Find out if your trademark is available for registration and clear of potential conflicts.
Avoid infringement law suits from other trademark owners who have used a similar trademark prior to your first date of use;
Save time and money in the short and long term by avoiding conflicting marks;

Commonly Asked Questions:

What is a trademark?
A trademark is a brand name. A trademark can be a name, phrase, or logo used on a product or advertised for a service. For example, McDonald's® is a name for restaurant or Nike® for shoes.

How long is the process?
We normally process search orders in about 1-2 business days, unless you have a rush. The PDF search report will be emailed to you for quick delivery.

What is the Comprehensive Search and do I need it?
The U.S. comprehensive search report is a must-have that will do an in-depth analysis of your trademark name in the entire United States. It will search the federal, 50-states, common-law, and corporate name databases. It will discover if someone else is using the same name in the U.S. that might pose risk to your trademark name.

Why should I search a trademark?

A trademark search is highly recommended before you start using a trademark in commerce or before you file an application with USPTO. The small investment in paying for a good trademark search is priceless. It can help you avoid costly trademark conflicts down the road. You don't want to lose time, money and goodwill in building a brand only to find out later that you have to change your brand because another trademark exists. Even pending trademarks that have not yet registered can cause you problems.

Order Now

Order a trademark search with A trademark search at the federal, state and common-law level is the most comprehensive search anywhere. You can search a trademark name, phrase or design used in connection with a product or business service. Get started today and get a comprehensive trademark search!